
Prakash kumar jha

Prakash Kumar Jha, an assistant professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University, recently received the prestigious foreign fellow award from the Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (SSCE), an Indian-based organization focused on raising awareness and promoting action on climate change and environmental sustainability. This award is given to a scientist conducting research outside of India focused on mitigating climate change. Jha was one of two international scientists presented with this award on February 20, 2024, at the SSCE’s General Body Meeting and Award Ceremony in New Delhi, India. Jha, who is also a scientist with the Mississippi Forestry and Experiment Station, said he’s proud of the honor from an organization whose purpose aligns with his research priorities. “SSCE champions the areas of research where my work is focused, including climate change impacts on agricultural systems, the development and adoption of novel agricultural practices to increase food security and sustainable practices, and the engagement of stakeholders,” he said. “The organization bridges the gap between research and practical application to raise public awareness about climate change and encourage collaboration between researchers and policymakers. Jha said the award reflects his work as an agricultural climatologist and his team's dedication. “This honor demonstrates the significance of my research program and all we do to mitigate climate change to help farmers and the broader community. It also speaks to our team’s international collaborations that accolades like this will only further grow and foster. Most importantly, this award speaks to the great work done by my students and with collaborators,” he said. For more information on the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences in MSU’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, visit For more on the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, visit